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Willie Nelson

Willie nelson is really cool. He hangs out in hawaii and goes on trips to Amsterdam with Snoop Dogg.

The table

This is a picture i took on the mesa. The Mesa means “the table” in spanish.


Boats have been the vessels of men for many years. I believe that it is the duty of everyone to take pictures of boats and hang those pictures in their home. Using magic, boats stay above the ocean and seemingly glide across the surface of the sea. It is my opinion that, that boats are a good thing.

Quick SHout out to Brangelina!!!!You did it!!!!!!Finally tied the Knot!!!!!



I have written many poems about Brad pitt in my days, but I’m proud to finally get one on the internet.


Connor myles Vlog #2

Samurai Fashion

Samurai’s love fashion, if you want to dress like a samurai you can go here



Spikes and Stuff

Its like when lex luther plants that shit on that island, and then everything goes nuts.


Rudy is outgoing, fun, and considers himself a “chocoholic”.

Rudy is single, he is also pretty ready to mingle.

Think about it ladies…

Centaurs…In shirts???

Well known facts about Centaurs:

1. They fuck shit up

2. They take what they want

3. They rarely wear shirts

Connor and Myles’s Vlog From 8th GrADE

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